Sunday, January 1, 2012

Secrets of the Snow

Whoo-oo-oo! The wind howls savagely in the eaves. Outdoors everything is brown and bare. The trees shiver nakedly in wind, their gay covering of autumn leaves shaken to the ground. The whistling wind now dances and swirls with the piles of raked-up leaves that cover the dry grass. High overhead the birds urgently announce their departure to warmer lands.

But the next morning I look outside to see a changed world. The wind playfully tosses and scatters snowflakes like a child with a handful of glitter. The trees flaunt their delicate, pure-white garments of snow. The bright rays of sunshine dance on the glistening snow-diamonds. Everything is clean and shining.

Friends, when living in sin we are as dry and dead as the autumn grass. Our hopes and dream fall to the ground like leaves; the winds of fear howl in our minds; the great, heartless trees of hardship stand in our path; our friends have winged away. But, oh, what a change is born when we invite Christ into our hearts and lives! He washes away our sins until we are whiter than snow. Then how brightly we shine the rays of His love onto others!

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